Hi There!!!
Well, I survived the 13 hour train ride only to find myself in motion again on a ferry, The Bluebridge ferry to be exact and then on anothr train for about 4 hours....I have figured out that they are usually running late because the train system and the trains themselves have not been taking care of!! We have to make lots of operational stops and change locomotives...but I have infinite patience and that always brings immediate result....(another quote from that same smart man!) The rides were both amazing and I find myself in Christchurch today, enjoying the hot sun and the festival that has been going on through out the weekend. Its a magic festival filled with circus type performances, magic shows, kids events, food, etc....its great! Everyone is pleased that the weather is staying so nice.
Did I mention the other day that on the Overlander train, (the 13 hour ride) we got mooned by four guys standing off to the right in a field? Can you believe it...everyone was laughing and taking pictures!! The announcer said, "Oh sorry about that, their from Australia!!" Everyone continued to laugh...it was great!!
The ferry ride was from Wellington to Picton. The first city pictures are of Wellington....
No one can figure out how to move the pictures around....a few of us have tried...oh well!!
I have been having a blast, everyone is so nice and the beauty of this magical place is everywhere. I should be at my first wwoofing destination in the next couple of days.... until next time my dear friends....Cheers!!
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